How to say "I do"
Step 1. Contact me
Let's see if I am available for your wedding date.
We can then chat and if you would like to set up an obligation free meeting to ensure I am the celebrant you are looking for to create your special ceremony.
Step 2. Initial Catchup In Person
This is the day we meet in person and begin the legal process of marriage.
This meeting needs to occur at least 31 days before your wedding, and can be completed up to 18 month prior to your wedding date. During this catchup we will commence the necessary legal paperwork the "Notice of Intended Marriage" (NOIM) form and I will sight each of your original ID, Birth Certificate, Drivers License or Passports as discussed prior to our meeting. The NOIM can be prepared prior to our meeting if copies are provided via email before our catch up.
At this catchup we get to know each other, I will find out more about you as a couple, and ask if you have any specific ideas you would like to incorporate in your ceremony. I will explain the composition of a ceremony and we'll build an outline of how your ceremony will be structured.
If you are from interstate or overseas, we can arrange for these interviews to take place via phone, Skype or email and post, prior to meeting in person*.
Step 3. Ceremony Styling
Preparation of your draft ceremony script will be emailed for your review. Together we work on this making any alterations or changes as required until it is just perfect for you.
Step 4. Separate Meetings with each party of marriage
From 12 June 2024 all authorised marriage celebrants are required under the Marriage Act 1961 (the Marriage Act) to meet with each party to the marriage separately and in person before they solemnise the marriage.
A separate meeting in person with each party to the marriage before the marriage is solemnised is intended to maintain safeguards for establishing real consent.
This applies to all legal marriages and all authorised celebrants, including Commonwealth-registered marriage celebrants, ministers of religion of a recognised denomination and State and Territory officials authorised to solemnise marriage.
Step 5. Wedding Rehearsal
One day prior to your Wedding Day, I will meet you at your wedding venue / location to view the space. This day we will sign the "Declaration of no Legal Impediment to Marriage" form.
It is a great chance to discuss and answer any last minute questions you may have regarding your ceremony the day before, at your beautiful venue.
Your wedding party, witnesses and anyone who is able to be there with a role in the ceremony should attend if possible.
We'll run through the sequence prior to your ceremony, rehearse the logistics of the ceremony and organise cues for guests with a active, speaking role and or musicians.
Step 6. The Big Day
I'll arrive at least 30 minutes before the wedding is due to start.
I will make sure everything is ready to create the best atmosphere for your special day.
It's the Big Event!!!
* The Marriage Act 1961 and the Marriage Regulations 2017 for Marriage Celebrants, places certain restrictions and guidelines regarding the use of videoconferencing tools.